SOC 4369 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Framingham Heart Study, Zinc Oxide, Trichinosis

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26 Nov 2016

Document Summary

What term correctly fills the blank in the following sentence: smoking is a(n) ____ of lung cancer. The most important predictor of overall health is: In a ____ study, subjects are chosen based on exposure status. A program that is effective in getting people to change their health-related behavior must convey all of the following messages except: The long island breast cancer study tested the hypotheses that environmental pollution was causing the relatively high rates of breast cancer among residents of suffolk and nassau counties of new york. Epidemiologists identified a group of 1,420 women who were diagnosed with breast cancer between 1984 and 1986 and compared their residential histories over a 20 year period with those of a matched group of healthy women. There is a suspicion that zinc oxide, the white non-absorbent sunscreen traditionally worn by downhill skiers is more effective at preventing sunburns that lead to skin cancer than absorbent sunscreen lotions.