SOC 4369 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Prospective Cohort Study, Recall Bias, Clinical Trial

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26 Nov 2016

Document Summary

A prospective cohort study that is interesting to me as a college student would be a study on online suicide risk screening and intervention with college students. My population/participants will be randomly chosen from a college campus and will thus be narrowed down by how many of those chosen students will decide to take the online screening for suicide. And then further narrowed down if they have already received treatment for it. The exposure of suicide will be alcohol and depression. The intervention will be the online counseling that will be implemented to the students who are at risk for suicide. The significance of this study is to see if this online counseling will have a positive impact on students readiness to engage in mental health treatment. Identify a bias that can occur in a study. Please describe a situation that can contribute to this bias. An example recall bias can occur in is in a case-control study with salmonella.