PSCI 3322 Study Guide - Final Guide: Jay Sekulow, Ceremonial Deism, Muslim Holidays

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Sheriff in brewster county has told deputies they can put a small cross on their patrol car vehicles. Freedom from religion foundation says its inappropriate and unconstitutional on it property, preference of religion over no religions and christianity over other religions it is establishment of religion because it is not neutral: violation of neutrality standard. Or instead of neutrality, the lemon test. Wall of separation will rip the decal off of the car. Devout christian scientist do not believe in medical science. instead they believe in the healing power of prayer. Problem is obamacare only pays for care of licensed doctors and not medical care from prayer doctors. this makes obamacare unconstitutional; this favors religion that use non-prayer medicine. Using precedent, does this client have legitimate establishment case. Wall of separation religious divisiveness is there a religious outcry over the policy is there a wall for not paying christian scientists or a wall for paying.