PSCI 3322 Study Guide - Final Guide: Civil Rights Act Of 1866, Fair Labor Standards Act, Judicial Procedures Reform Bill Of 1937

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Jones, a black man, was refused to be sold a home in missouri because of his race: difference is the fundamental right to housing vs. social rights in cr cases. 1866 civil rights act says all citizens have the same right to inherit, lease, sell property. Its affirmative authority was 13th amendment, 14th was not passed yet. If cra 1875 is unconstitutional, 1866 is too. But can argue this is on ownership of property, not of another person. And court finally says the act is constitutional because 13th amendment also eliminates the badges of slavery, meaning provide civil freedom like purchasing property. Ny gave a state license to ogden to operate on ny/nj hudson river and gibbons has a federal license to operate on same river. Ny tells gibbons he can"t come to ny waters but ogden can. What is the congressional power to regulate interstate commerce: article i, sec.