PSCI 3322 Study Guide - Final Guide: Social Statics, Social Darwinism, Ibm Officevision

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Precedent for substantive due process: dred scott, which isn"tgreat. By the time you get to the 1890s, substantive due process is there full fledged and the most extreme example is lochner. So if you are wanting regulation of the economy, if you"re franklin roosevelt, or you are a governor of a state and you are pro roosevelt The way you can regulate the economy is get rid of substantive due process That is why west coast hotel v parrish is so important. In 1937 - ok no more substantive due process. If you"re fdr at the national level, your goal is to get rid of the 10th amendment and broaden interstate commerce (laughlin steel) If you"re at the state level, you wanna get rid of substantive due process (west. Public purpose- means basically anything - at the national level at least! More judicial supervision of the taking of the property than the past (was property completely taken or nah)