[PSCI 3322] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (52 pages long)

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Facts: john watkins was called to testify in hearing conducted by the house committee on un- Watkins agreed to describe his alleged connections with the communist. Response: yes - it was beyond their scope. The authorizing resolution to the committee and the specific statements made by the committee to watkins failed to limit the committee"s power. Watkins was not given sufficient information about the pertinency of the questions to the subjects under question, he had no been accorded a fair opportunity to determine whether he has rights to refuse to answer. Facts: live poultry code was written by roosevelt admin as a part of the national industrial. Recovery act, regulate companies as a means to combat the great depression. Response: yes - court says president lacked the power to write the code. Congress says unfair competition is too ambiguous to constitute an intelligible principle, necessary to limit the president"s actions in enforcing nira.