[PSCI 3303] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 42 pages long Study Guide!

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Apply contemporary community (not national) standards: does the material appeal to prurient interest, patently offensive, and does not have serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value (not social value) Does it appeal to prurient interest: the roth test is loose but the miller test is stricter. Does the material considered as a whole appeal to prurient interest of the average person, is patently offensive, and does not have serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value. An erotic message can still be delivered without dropping the last stitch: but then the court says it"s okay to require that those dancers not be complete nude. Test used is from us v. o"brien since this is a regulation unrelated to the suppression of expression. Us v. o"brien was not silencing their opposition for the vietnam. War, but for the government"s constitutional way of keep track of the draft, the method. Is this within the power of the government.