[ENTP 3301] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 90 pages long Study Guide!

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Your business idea: start with the problem, what is your product, how does it work. Why it is an opportunity (ch 2: what trends does it take advantage of. Increase in tuition https://nces. ed. gov/fastfacts/display. asp?id=76: what problem does it solve. Expensive textbook/expensive education: what gap in the market does it fill, the market, the industry. Is it feasible (ch 3) no fatal flaws: low competition, market is huge, increase in technology, show stoppers, 1. Tell me about your survey: where will you send the survey, 4-6 answer survey, finds how many people are in your target market, interest level/agreebleness, 1-6, exm. Do you want a cheaper alternative to buy/rent textbooks: exm. Concept statement: p. 82 83, 3 or 4 paragraph description of product is. Ch 2: recognizing opportunities and generating ideas: thought, impression or notion, may or may not meet the criteria of an opportunity. Why is this important: have between 50,000 70,000 thoughts per day.