EPPS 2301 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Time Series, Social Impact Assessment, Cohort Study

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Action research primary goal is to facilitate social change or bring about value-oriented political-social goal; active practitioners are the primary audience. Participatory action research democratizing the knowledge-creation processes, revealing injustices, highlighting social inequality and conflict, an engaging in collective actions to improve conditions. Applied research designed to offer practical solutions to concrete problem or address the immediate and specific needs. Basic research pure research having academic orientation; designed to advance fundamental knowledge about how the social world works and to build/test theoretical explanations; scientific community is the primary audience. Case-study research an in-depth examination of very few units or cases; data on a case are detailed, varied and extensive; focuses on one period or across multiple periods of time. Cohort study studies a category of people who share a similar life experience in a specified period; a defined category. (people all born in the same year, hired at the same time, graduated in a given year)