PSY 364 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Ted (Conference), Cultural Diversity

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25 May 2020

Document Summary

View: ted talk - how culture drives behavior (module 6) Moving to a new culture - relate to culture: Confront - you believe your behaviors are the right behaviors. Complain - you isolate yourself into social bubbles of foreigners living in segregation within the society. Conform - adapt the way you behave to fit the society, you can benefit implies you"re observing, learning, understanding the behaviors of others & adapting your own so it fits. The lens through which your brain sees the world shapes your reality. Change lens change how brain perceives behaviors & how people relate to cultural differences. Leadership for women class - only for women. Fast track women to professorship (only 20% of professors are women) Doesn"t offer the same opportunity to all (men) to flourish to their full potential but ends in balance in society. Boards that represent both genders equally perform 15% better. Boards that represent different cultures - 35% better.