PSY 364 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Writing Center

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25 May 2020

Document Summary

Writing a personal statement - not supposed to be too personal (professional identity statement) Writing to masters programs in mental health fields. Why are you interested in going to graduate school. What interests you in the field that you are applying to. How your research and clinical interests can be described - can be discussed while talking about particular experiences you"ve had as a student (academic experiences - working in lab, a special class, etc. ) Theoretical orientation - what theories are you interested in within psychology (identifying with philosophies/theories) Make sure it"s in the good category - well written, flow, enjoyable to read, not boring (vary sentence structure, voice, tone, etc. ) Edit it - get someone else to go over it (1-3 people - advisors you trust that preferably have seen personal statements to give you corrective and encouraging feedback) Use other writing resources - i. e. sanger writing center.