PSY 364 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Krista Tippett, Ted (Conference), Karen Armstrong

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25 May 2020

Document Summary

Ted talk - krista tippett - reconnecting with compassion (module 2) Word "compassion" is hollowed out in our culture, and it is suspect in my field of journalism. Seen as a squishy kumbaya thing, or potentially depressing. Karen armstrong has told what i think is an iconic story of giving a speech in. Holland and, after the fact, the word "compassion" was translated as "pity. " Our cultural imagination about compassion has been deadened by idealistic images. Basic premise that words matter, that they shape the way we understand ourselves, the way we interpret the world and the way we treat others. This country first encountered genuine diversity in the 1960s, we adopted tolerance as the core civic virtue with which we would approach that. Medical context - about testing the limits of thriving in an unfavorable environment. Tolerance is not really a lived virtue; it"s more of a cerebral ascent.