NTR 312- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 22 pages long!)

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Hormones messanger molecules that bind to receptors on cell sources that create a response to the inside of the cell (insulin is a hormone made of protein, glucagon is a hormone made of protein) Fluid balance: intracellular, intercellular (or interstitial, intravascular, most of proteins in intracellular/intravascular compartments. Acid/base balance: to keep blood within a certain ph proteins are a buffer that can bind acids and keep ph from increasing. Antibodies: foreign particle is tagged as an invader. At what temp can fever denature proteins 106 degrees f. Transporters: hemoglobin for example, transports substances to the tissues, transport proteins in the cell membrane. Protein metabolism proteins amino acids body products (used as something) tyrosine makes epinepihrine neurotransmitters epinephrine, norepinephrine, seratonin. Melanin made from tyrosine niacin made from tryptophan. Ammonia is toxic so body creates urea. Urea then filtered in the kidneys and urine losing nitrogen all the time need to eat enough.