MAN 336 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Jenny Mccarthy

34 views3 pages
29 Nov 2017

Document Summary

Conflicts are all unique and demand unique solutions. It is rare to find people who are well-versed in displaying all five conflict management styles. Because encountering conflict is inevitable in organizations, becoming adept at multiple styles and ways of managing conflict is imperative. The results should show how power influences people"s behavior. Most people feel less comfortable speaking up to a boss than to a coworker. Much of the concern centers on what ramifications would result from speaking up. Because bosses typically control rewards like promotions or raises and punishments like undesirable assignments or even job termination, most people play it safe and don"t speak up. While it is obvious that a boss"s power comes from rewards and punishments, there are many other sources of power as well. We"ll explore what leads people to gain power, be influential, and get what they want. Authority: people defer to experts such as doctors, professors, or senators.