MAN 336 Midterm: OB Toolbox Be a Fair Person

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29 Nov 2017

Document Summary

When distributing rewards, make sure you pay attention to different contribution levels of employment. So(cid:373)eti(cid:373)es you (cid:373)ay have to disregard people"s (cid:272)o(cid:374)tri(cid:271)utio(cid:374)s to distribute certain rewards. Pay attention to how you make decisions. Pay attention to how you talk to people. Remember that justice is in the eye of the beholder. People do not care only about their own justice level. Expectancy: make sure employees have proper skills, abilities, and knowledge, ensure that the environment facilitates performance, encourage employees so they believe their effort makes a difference. Instrumentality: reward employee performance, inform people in advance about the rewards, try to eliminate non-performance influence over rewards. Valence: find rewards that are desirable to employees, make sure that rewards are viewed as fair, give employees choice over rewards. Ob toolbox be effective in your use of discipline: Reinforcement: positive behavior followed by removal of negative consequences. Extinction: negative behavior followed by removal of positive consequences.