HDF 351 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Meta-Analysis, Blood Test, Natural Childbirth

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Prenatal development & childbirth: prenatal development (text, pp. Be able to give a couple examples of inherited (genetic) birth defects. Parental age is the biggest risk factor predicting its occurrence. It has decreased since the (cid:883)97(cid:882)"s because of increased availability and use of prenatal testing. Men with klinefelter syndrome have two or more x chromosomes and a y chromosome. Women with turner syndrome have an x chromosome with no second x. gestation. fourth month after conception. Amniocentesis amniotic fluid is drawn off through the abdominal wall of the mother, is used when a pregnancy is considered to be (cid:498)at risk(cid:499) and the test is conducted around the. Chorionic villus sampling can be conducted around 8-10 weeks. Maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein a blood test, assessed during 11 and 13 weeks. Ultrasound imaging sounds are sent into the pregnant woman"s body from a probe. Zygote (conception to 2 weeks) initial union of ovum and sperm.