HDF 313 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Metacognition, Autobiographical Memory, Intersubjectivity

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Sensations: see information through our senses and when we have repeated exposure to these sensations we begin to recognize them and then we have a perception of what is means. He put age ranges for the periods of development, those stages have been shown to be too broad. The role of culture and language the brain will not grow without it. Culture provides the language, the language is going to be the social connection with people. Private speech noises you make that might sound like words, talking to yourself, audible. Scaffolding the role of parents, help child acquire this foundation of thinking and language, play a big role in development of cognition. Intersubjectivity help the child know or do something that they couldn"t do by themselves and gradually withdraw support. Sensory input from environment that goes to sensory receptors, if you pay attention, the experience will go to short term memory.