GRG 305 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Voseo, Tibetan Plateau, Swahili Language

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Contemporary human geography- the geography of language: introduction. Language facilitates the cultural diffusion of innovations and helps shape the way we think about and perceive our environment. Language: a mutually agreed-on system of symbolic communication that has a spoken and usually written expression. Separate languages are those that cannot be mutually understood. Dialects: a distinctive local or regional variant of a language that remains mutually intelligible to speakers of other dialects of that language; a subtype of language: when different linguistic groups come into contact, a pidgin language often results. Pidgin: a composite language consisting of a small vocabulary borrowed from the linguistic groups involved in commerce. Pidgin primary serve the purposes of trade and commerce: they facilitate exchange at a basic level but do not have complex vocabularies or grammatical structures. i. Creole: a language derived from a pidgin language that has acquired a fuller vocabulary and become the native language of its speakers. a.