GOV 312L Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Brinkmanship, Strategic Defense Initiative, Nuclear Proliferation

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5 Nov 2018

Document Summary

Explain why the effectiveness of deterrent threats depends on credibility. Country has to believe deterrent threat will actually be carried out. Stability of mutual deterrence depends on credibility of threats adversary must believe that threats will be carried out. If nuclear war breaks out incentives change. The problem of credibility is exacerbated when both sides face the prospect of significant losses since the initiator of the threat has good reasons not to follow through: explain how credibility depends on capabilities and resolve. Capabilities the ability to carry out the threat. States enhance capabilities by improving their weapons systems. Examples: north korean nuclear and missile tests. Resolve the will to carry out the threat. States enhance their resolve by managing risk during crises (i. e. brinkmanship- the art or practice of pursuing a dangerous policy to the limits of safety before stopping, typically in politics. ) The threat that leaves something to chance .