GOV 312L Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Political System, Cash Crop, Fareed Zakaria

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31 Oct 2018

Document Summary

Module 9: manifest destiny to world war i: how did western expansion in the mid-1800s contribute to the emergence of the united. Land , which was a source of wealth and a place that a growing population could settle on. Natural resources , which provided economic prosperity but also was important when. A basis for dynamic economic growt h which provided a solid economic foundation for mobilizing for war global power. Rapid population growth (needed new land to grow) fueled pressures for territorial expansion/ economic growth (opportunities from new lands) - natural resources found on western lands. Technologies (railroad)- integration of new territories (economy or resources) into. American state or american economy, reduced costs conducting commerce across greater distances. Ideological foundation- manifest destiny (social and political drive to populate newly acquired western lands), western expansion was divine right of us and its citizens, expansion---will of god.