GOV 310L Study Guide - Midterm Guide: College Admissions In The United States, Federalist No. 51, American Farm Bureau Federation

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17 Feb 2017

Document Summary

In august 1787, daniel shays leads a mob of farmers to seize county courthouses and disrupt the trials of debtors in springfield, massachusetts. This attack illustrated the weaknesses of the articles of confederation, showing that the central government couldn"t protect the citizenry from armed rebellion or provide for public welfare, and incentivized the movement for the constitutional convention. The compromise between the new jersey and virginia plans that created one chamber of. Congress based on population, and one chamber representing each state equally. A major principle of the american system of government whereby each branch of the government can check the actions of the others. Supreme court holds that the 14th amendment protects the freedom of speech guaranteed by the first amendment to the constitution from state infringement. Prohibited state-sponsored recitation of prayer in public schools by virtue of the.