FR 340T Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Democracy Promotion, Free Rider Problem, Wilsonianism

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But what really marks the contemporary era is not the absence of multilateralism but its astonishing diversity. 1 important takeaway international organizations don"t need capacity to enforce rules they make to matter they help to define what is important, provide information, and allocation of political power among states. Enforcement capacity: organization has means to punish a member state if it disrupts institutions. Eg wto interprets and enforces trade agreements. Ikenberry the us should participate actively in these international organizations bc they can promulgate and defend policy ideas consistent with american interests. Fundamental problem of politics us has set up multilateral oganizations and other states have been able to alter american policy. Role of the us in the military nato. Transformation of nato at the end of cold war. Bashir (problems in darfur) was supposed to be arrested in south africa as recognized by icc, but south africa refused and therefore undermined the icc.