ACC 312 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Corporate Social Responsibility

61 views2 pages
29 Nov 2017

Document Summary

Throughout the past ten years or so companies have started to show greater interest about their position with regard to environmental issues. General corporate awareness has increased as to how the adoption of particular policies may have adverse social and environmental effects. The increase in awareness of environmental and social issues has followed the concern that the focus of traditional reporting has been weighted too heavily towards the requirements of shareholders, with too little regard to the other stakeholders. This has led to an over- emphasis on the financial performance, particularly the profitability, of the business. The quality and depth of environmental and social reporting, in both qualitative and quantitative terms, is becoming increasingly important as annual reports and accounts are required to meet the needs of all stakeholders, not just the shareholders. In march 2000, the uk government appointed a minister for corporate.