MATH 160 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Subset, Empty Set, Cardinality

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Winning strategy comprehensive plan that leads to victory no matter what choices the opponent makes. Proof a way to be certain whether statements are true or false; very precise form of communication. Assuming the hypothesis, then deriving its conclusion by using the assumption. 1) assume hypothesis is true (setting of statement) 2) state what you are trying to prove. 3) assume something about what you"re trying to prove (x is in q & treated as an actual value ) Never include a definition, but may use it to say by definition of ___, we know ___ . Closed under addition iff you pick any 2 numbers in the set, then their sum is also in the set. Ex: even numbers, all positive integers, {0}, natural, real, & rational #s, and multiples of 2, 3, 5, 15. Closed under subtraction iff you pick any 2 numbers in the set, then their difference is also in the set.