MATH 126 Midterm: MATH 126 USC M126 Fall 15s

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31 Jan 2019

Document Summary

Fill out your name, signature and student id number on the lines below right now, before starting the exam! Also, check the box next to the class for which you are registered. You must show all your work and justify your methods to obtain full credit. Simplify your answers (unless the instructions say you do not have to). Do not use scratch paper; use the back of the previous page if additional room is needed. No calculators are allowed, but you may use the double sided handwritten sheet of notes that you brought with you. This may be no more than one sheet of 8 1. Remember, usc considers cheating to be a serious o ense; the minimum penalty is failure for the course. Cheating includes straying eyes and failing to stop writing when told to do so at the end of the exam. Y. lin 10am: tiruviluamala 9am, tiruviluamala 11pm, wang 1pm, yildirim 9am, yildirim 10am.