BISC 120Lg Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Meristem, Coralline Algae, Red Algae

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Red algae and greed algae are the closest living relatives of land plants. At a certain point, particularly green algae and land plants shared a common progenitor. Archaeplastida: a super group used by some scientists . Includes red algae, green algae and land plants. Usually multicellular; the largest are the seaweeds: abundant in coastal waters of the tropics, alternation of generations is common, cell walls of coralline algae are hardened by calcium carbonate. Closely related to land plants, in fact plants descended from these organisms. Chlorophytes include unicellular, multicellular and colonial forms. Proof that land plants evolved from green algae. Land plants share the following traits with only charophytes: rings of cellulose-synthesizing proteins, structure of flagellated sperm, formation of phragmoplast. Charophytes share certain key traits with plants: share similar nuclear and chloroplast gene sequences, charophytes may resemble algal ancestors or plants; does not mean that plants descended from living charophytes.