[BISC 104Lxg] - Midterm Exam Guide - Ultimate 20 pages long Study Guide!

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Maintain homeostasis homeostasis is the relatively constant and self-correcting internal environment of a living organism. Homeo = unchanging, stasis = standing homeostasis means staying the same. Humans function properly only within narrow ranges of temperature and chemistry. Homeostasis is controlled by both conscious and unconscious responses. : maintain body warmth by unconscious blood vessel constriction and by consciously selecting appropriate clothing. Each system made of many organs, organs made up of tissues, each tissue made up of cells. Organ systems - reproductive, cardiovascular, skeletal, respiratory, endocrine, skin, muscular. Inductive reasoning - involves the accumulation of facts through observation until finally there are enough facts to draw a conclusion or develop a testable hypothesis. Deductive reasoning - involves making a general statement, often in the format of an if-then statement, then drawing more specific conclusions from it. In deductive reasoning, a series of observations leads to a general statement that often sets the stage for further experimentation.