HDF 200 Study Guide - Final Guide: Imaginary Audience, Spermarche, Adrenarche

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Document Summary

Authoritarian- parents establish rules and expect children to follow them, outcomes: dependent, hostile. Authoritative- rules but have some exceptions, outcomes: friendly, independent. Permissive- not much discipline, outcomes: dependent, low social skills. What is traditional parenting style? parenting style that is both responsive and demanding but children are not to dispute their parent"s authority and rules and are obliged to comply with them. How do preschool-aged children define friends? a playmate. Functional play- ex: throwing a ball, kicking a ball. Constructive play- ex: building with plato or sand. Parallel play- children playing with same toys similarity, but will not interact with each other. Onlooker play- children watching others play and may provide feedback but do not engage themselves. Associative play- children may share the same toys with other, but will not be doing the same thing. Fantasy/pretend play- children create situation or characters and enacting them. Gross motor skills vs. fine motor skills in middle childhood.