COM 100 Study Guide - Final Guide: Social Presence Theory, Human Nature, Stereotype

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Final exam example questions (these questions will not be on the. A. the process of selection, organization and interpretation of information you collect through your sense. D. recognition of what sensory input represents: culture is (c) A. learned pattens of perceptions, values, and heavers sharing by a group of people: standards of what is right/wrong that one applies to messages sent and received. C. learned patterns of perception, values and behaviors shared by a group of people: something that represents something else, the education, life events, cultural background that the communicator processes is their (b, culture. D. relativism: a speech that aims to convince an audience is a (d) A. informative speech: special occasion speech, general purpose, persuasive speech, refuges are _________, voluntary short-term travelers, voluntary long-term travelers. Individualist orientation: collectivist orientation, view of human nature, human nature value orientation, what is the opposite of monotheistic.