MATH 240 Midterm: MATH 240 UPenn M240 2006A Exams

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31 Jan 2019

Document Summary

Please write your name and penn id in the space provided above, and ll in the oval identifying your section and instructors. You will have two hours to complete this exam. You are allowed to use one 8 1 use calculators. 2 11 sheet, both sides, for notes you wrote yourself. Do not detach this sheet from the body of the exam. This is a multiple-choice test, but you must show your work. Please mark your answer on both the front cover and on the problem itself. If you change an answer, be absolutely clear which choice is your nal answer. All of the problems have exactly one correct answer. No penalties for incorrect answers will be taken. Calculus iii: for the matrices a 1 and b 1 below, nd (ab) 1. E this can"t be done: one of a, b is singular, and ab is unde ned.