NRS 313 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Leukocyte Extravasation, Aldosterone, Arteriole

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W4: Perfusion
Vascular Shock = hypoperfusion
o The circulatory system is unable to adequately perfuse tissues leading to systemic
cellular dysfunction
o Impaired oxygen delivery and impaired glucose delivery at cellular level
o Unless the body can reverse or compensate, leads to multiple organ failure and
o Don’t use for shock. Leads to bradycardia.
o Used to slow down labor and posterial drainage
o Baroreceptors in the carotid arteries.
Pay attention to vascular volume
When elevated, receptors send message to cranial nerve X to release Ach.
This slows down HR and the SA node slows down. Therefore we get a
decrease in vascular volume
Hypovolemia-> ischemia->lack of 02 and glucose
Results of Vascular shock
o 1 impaired oxygen delivery:
cells begin anaerobic metabolism and intracellular lactic acid accumulates
ATP production declines and then stops
decreased sodium and potassium pump activity
Potassium accumulates in extracellular spaces leading to
sodium accumulates in the cell leading to intracellular swelling
(hydropic swelling with lysis)
Cell lysis leads to widespread inflammatory response and systemic
Increased intracellular water and decreased extracellular water increases
vascular system viscosity (thickness).
o 2 impaired glucose delivery
decreased glucose uptake by cells resulting in
gluconeogenesis/glycogenolysis/lipolysis (fatty acids)
When body isn’t getting glucose. They start using other types of
Glycogen in liver starts to be released and fat cells are broken
down. The fat breaks down to fatty acids that lead to Ketones
Acidosis arterial pH less than 7.35
Cardiogenic Shock
o decreased CO due to heart failure usually secondary to myocardial infarction
o Symptoms:
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BP decreases
Temp: normal
Sp02: decreased
Pain is present
Pumping volume is about half: 30-40ml
o Myocardial infarction: blocking of artery
Obstructive Shock
o Blood flow is obstructed and reduces amount of blood returning to left ventricle
resulting in inadequate CO. May be caused by pulmonary embolism (PE).
o PE: movement of clot
o Thrombosis: clot at orginal site.
Clot prevents O2 to be pumped out
Raises preload
Only get 30% of blood to L. Ventricle
o Symptoms:
Decreased Blood pressure
Decreased SpO2
Pain is present
o Jugular vein distension
Excess preload causes regulation of blood back in Jugular vein
o decreased blood volume due to hemorrhage (900 mL or more), dehydration, fluid
o Approx. 4,500 mL of blood is available for adult circulation.
o Symptoms
Pain in the chest
SpO2 low
Low blood pressure
o blood volume pooling in extremities and unavailable to heart and vital organs due
to overstimulation of parasympathetic OR under-stimulation of sympathetic
nervous systems
o Does NOT result in tachycardia like other types of shock
Also has vasodialtion: blood pools in the extremities
o Epinephrine: ionotropic. Heart contracts harder
Reduction for neurogenic
o Heart is fine as well as blood volume
o Low Sp02
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