[BIOL 260] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 36 pages long Study Guide!

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Organization of all this- atoms, molecules, cells, tissues, organs, systems, whole organisms. Sections of the body: frontal plane- splitting front and back, sagittal plane- splits left and right, transverse plane- top and bottom (like chopping you off at the waist) When talking about fluids: body mass is 50-60% water, intracellular water- more than half of the bodies water, extracellular water- the remainder, regulates the environment for cells. Homeostasis- keeping relatively constant conditions: this happens by negative feedback. An integrating/control center decides what to do. An effector obeys the integrating center"s control. The effector restores things to the right level. Carbs: general formula: ch2o, water soluble, monosaccharide, disaccharides, and polysaccharides, di and poly come from dehydration synthesis (like starch and glycogen) Fatty acids, fats, and oils are all very good energy storers. Phospholipids- polar phosphate group with two fatty acid chains (water associates with the polar side) All fats are lipids but not all lipids are fats.