RHET 1030 Study Guide - Comprehensive Midterm Guide: Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc, Straw Man, Visual Rhetoric

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Violent rhetoric used to try and rile people up to get a change to happen in society. The use of very descriptive words really sets an image for the reader to visualize. Personal narrative written account of someone"s journey. All the posters and ads we regularly see have rhetorical meanings and goals that the author or designer was trying to get across when they were making it. Aristotle bce : oral communication current oral, visual and multimedia communication. If you do not approach the whole rhetorical situation correctly you will not be able to successfully persuade your audience. Exigence the urgent demand that pushed the author to write the piece, how you felt before. Exigencies of a situation when something recent just occurs and you feel the need to respond right away. Rhetorical exigency occurs when people feel change can occur discourse effects change. Motive & purpose are the two biggest things that shape how a piece is written.