PSY 2301 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Internal Validity, Intellectual Disability, Content Validity

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Clinical interviews, behavioral observations and self-monitoring 10. Note: it is important to note: the scid, audit, wais and mmpi will appear frequently on the exam! These a & p questions are pervasive (widely spread) Common a&p goals in psychology: screening : Provision of comparable materials/items across assessors: detailed instructions regarding administration, detailed descriptions of scoring procedures. Internal consistency (consistency of response across items on measure) test-retest , inter-rater. Content, face, concurrent, predictive, convergent, discriminant, incremental. Practical utility of approach, relative to others. Sensitivity: ability to correctly identify those with disorder. Specificity: ability to correctly identify those without disorder. Assessment example: audit (alcohol use disorder identification test) Developed by who (world health organization) to screen current alcohol problem. Best screener for alcohol dependence, alcohol abuse and high risk drinking that doesn"y meet criteria. Recommended cut-off: greater than or equal to 8 for identification of potential alcohol problems. Yes internal consistency (average cronbach"s alpha across studies: 0. 81; 0. 7-0. 8 is good )