JMC 1200 Study Guide - Final Guide: Proprietary Software, Reed Hastings, Jeff Bezos

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Exam iii study guide: the wlbt vs. united church of christ case in jackson, mississippi in the. Civil rights news was being blocked by a mississippi station and the courts felt that the fcc was not exercising proper oversight. The naacp felt that the tv station, wlbt, was racist and wanted a public hearing to challenge the station"s license when it was up for renewal. The station allowed civil rights leader, medgar evans to speak about the need to end segregation and express his views on behalf of the african american community. The tv station knew he would be hurt by speaking on the station, but did not expect him to be murdered. The court ruled that the united church of christ had no right to come into an agency"s legal process and then renewed wlbt"s license: political problems faced by the public broadcasting service. Public broadcasting service wanted to have educational programs.