JMC 1100- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 33 pages long!)

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Last person to answer gave the same answer as the rest of the group (clearly the wrong answer) more than 30% of the time. Conformity based on one"s desire to fulfill others" expectations and gain acceptance. Aggregate of a public"s attitude toward an issue or object. Concern that people would be swayed by the persuasive power of mass media. Study the persuasive power of public opinion using experiments. Shock test- people administered what they thought were deadly shocks because of their deference to authority. People who believe their opinion is not in the majority, will not speak out on contested issue-because they fear rejection (isolation) Willingness to share opinions in person and on social media. Social media users were less willing to share their views if they thought their social media followers disagreed with them. Overall people were less willing to share views on social media.