HHP 2200 Study Guide - Final Guide: Motivation, Transtheoretical Model, Peer Pressure

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Document Summary

Multiple factors influence behaviors: change should occur at all levels. Environments are multidimensional and complex: variety of features, actual & perceived qualities, unique needs for different populations. Interactions occur at varying levels: lack of access- limits who can do activity, increasing number of cyclists & lobbying-> paths & lanes. Provide structure and support from motivational and education programs encouraging pa influence social norms and culture by mass media and community organizations. Influence: knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, skills, motivation of behavior, abilities, age, illness/injury, self efficacy, readiness to change, education, sex. Friends, family, neighbors, classmates, organizations and coworkers of individual. Influences on pa: social support, peer influence, model behaviors, group and community norms (expected behavior, cultural background and expectations acceptable behaviors, providing access to social networks. Influences the amount and type of pa (+ or -): parks, trails, rec centers. Informal local policies or rules in organizations such as schools or workplaces.