ANTH 2100 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Ascribed Status, Cultural Relativism, Hypodescent

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Cross-cultural comparison: uses field data from many societies to examine the scope of human behavior and test hypotheses about human behavior and culture. De-naturalization: to deprive of the rights of citizenship. Culture: aspects of social life like traditions and customs that are learned and shared with others that shape behavior and beliefs. Cultural relativism: to understand cultures, use this term. Understanding other cultures on their own terms, and in their own context. * using cultural relativism helps avoid ethnocentrism (judging people"s lives that are different from our own) Essentialism: the belief that something is universal, trans-historical, and does not depend on context. Othering: defining a population as a different group from your own (othering takes cultural work and effort) Ethnicity: identifying with, and being identified as, a member of an ethnic group. How people identify themselves, and how others identify them. Race: an ethnic group assumed to have a biological basis (example: shared blood, genes, color, etc. )