BIOL 2140 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Vegetative Reproduction, Fecundity, Parental Investment

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Highlight = important principle highlight = important concept highlight = key term. [life history traits represent the schedule of an organism"s life] Life history: the traits that affect an organism"s schedule of reproduction and survival. Fecundity: the number of offspring produced by an organism per reproductive episode. Parity: the number of reproductive episodes an organism experiences. Parental investment: the time and energy given to an offspring by its parents. Life history traits often vary consistently with life form, habitat, or environmental conditions. Ex: seed size is generally larger for larger plants. Variation in one life history traits often correlated with variation in other life history traits. Ex: the number of offspring is negatively correlated with the size of the offspring. Life history traits in plants: philip grime proposed that plant life history depends on stress, competition, and the frequency of disturbances. Plant functioning at the extremes of these environment axes could be categorized as stress tolerators, competitors or ruderals.