SLPA 150- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 49 pages long!)

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Speech-language pathologist (slp) most accurate term: speech correctionalist changed to speech therapist, speech therapist sometimes called speech clinician, speech teacher sometimes used in the school setting, audiologist. Is a licensed health care professional who studies and/or provides services related to prevention, evaluation, identi cation and rehabilitation of hearing and balance disorders. Years 3-4 focus on specialized classes in profession and speci c education classes required for educaton certi cation. Slp or audiology majors take essentially the same courses. Some programs have undergraduate clinical opportunities- unl does not: graduate program. Slp requires master"s degree: audiology requires aud/ph. d. program. If accepted, graduate program begins immediately after undergraduate degree: graduate courses parallel undergraduate courses- but more advanced. Slp - 2 years of graduate school: audiology - 4 years to obtain aud, also includes off site practicum experiences including student. Includes extensive in clinic supervised practicum teaching, externships at clinics, hospitals. Expertise: slp, cognition, voice, dysphagia, autism, aud.