PSYC 288 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Scientific Control, Hindsight Bias, Counterfactual Thinking

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19 Dec 2017

Document Summary

It"s the scientific study of the way in which peoples thoughts, feeling and behavior are inf people: social psychology. Personality psychologists have a ___ focus; social psychologist have a ___ focus: individua. Latane and darley (led to believe a certain amount of other people were listening in and a people were more likely to help when __ people were present than when __ people were. The tendency to overestimate how much people"s behavior is do due internal disposition situational factors is called___: fundamental attribution error. A ____ is manipulated, while ___ is measured; independent, dependent variable. Name 3 types of scientific methods and a description of each: Experimental: independent variable, dependent, control and experimental groups. Correlational: to see if there"s an association between two variables, can"t infer cau. The correlation between number of crimes committed and the daily high temperature is medium, positive. Correlation does not equal causation: true, correlation establishes association, but only e cause.