POLS 100 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: United States Presidential Approval Rating, Pocket Veto, Cloture

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2 Feb 2017

Document Summary

Midterm exams in pols 100 will be multiple choice. These terms, concepts, theories, laws, institutions, etc. , are all from the bond & smith textbook and class lectures. Nd all of them in either your notes or the book. Make certain that you understand what each term means and why it is important. 2 presidents have been impeached (but not removed from of ce): Discipline: expulsion, censures and reprimands selecting members for the executive branch, resolving presidential elections, approving a new vice president, staf ng the executive and judicial branches, including the supreme court, advice and consent . Power: raise revenue: senate: 100 members, 6 years, Advice and consent: which party (democratic or. Republican: what are the leadership positions in the. H&s committee, h&s debate pass, both confer and compromise, h&s approve comp, president signs into law: libuster: talking for a long time to block procedure cloture: limits debate, preventing.