[CRIM 101] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes fot the exam (69 pages long!)

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Distinguish sociological from other sociological theories of criminology. Discuss integrated life-course theories and developmental theories of criminology. The question that has been researched for hundreds of years. Widely varied theories have come and gone over the generations. Positi(cid:448)ist (cid:272)hool (cid:894)late (cid:1005)7(cid:1004)(cid:1004)(cid:859)s thru (cid:373)id (cid:1005)9(cid:1004)(cid:1004)(cid:859)s(cid:895) People want to obtain pleasure and avoid pain. People will not break the law if the pain of punishment outweighs the potential gain (pleasure) from the crime. Human behavior is dictated by pleasure and pain. Relevant to the legal and administrative functions of the criminal justice system. These theorists did little to try to explain why people committed crime. Chemical exposure (exposure to lead during childhood) Tattooing was the (cid:373)ark of a(cid:374) (cid:862)i(cid:374)ferior(cid:863) perso(cid:374) Endomorph: soft, round, pudgy: relaxed, sociable. Ectomorph: thin, fragile: private, restrained, inhibited. Mesomorph: muscular, strong: active, aggressive, dominant. Small children followed the example they saw in the movie. Criminal behavior is learned from family& friends, not the media (what??)