SOC 110 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Model Minority, National Crime Victimization Survey, Arab Americans

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19 Oct 2016

Document Summary

Deviance is socially defined: during the civil rights movement, rosa parks and other black protesters spoke out against segregation by refusing to sit at the back of the bus. This is an example of _an act of deviance_: a student has a habit of talking on her cell phone during class. One day, the professor stops his lecture and asks her to respect the other students in the class by turning off her phone. In this situation, the professor used _informal negative sanctions__ to maintain social control: societies practice social control to maintain _social order___, one day, you decide to wear pajamas to the grocery store. While you shop, you notice people giving you strange looks and whispering to others. In this case, the grocery store patrons are demonstrating _informal sanctions__. 7. 2: a student wakes up late and realizes her sociology exam starts in five minutes.