PSYC 101- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 131 pages long!)

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28 Mar 2018

Document Summary

Important: we do not have enough class time to go over every concept in your textbook. You will be responsible for all textbook information, however, so be sure to ask us qs if you do(cid:374)"t u(cid:374)dersta(cid:374)d so(cid:373)ethi(cid:374)g that is (cid:374)ot (cid:272)o(cid:448)ered i(cid:374) (cid:272)lass. Current divisions of psychology: research, abnormal/clinical psyc, cognitive psyc, developmental psyc, personality psyc, physiological aka biological aka experimental psyc, social psyc, quantitative psyc, applied, abnormal/clinical psyc, education and school psyc, industrial/organizational psyc, health psyc/behavioral medicine. Current divisions of psychology: research (devoted to increase knowledge, abnormal/clinical, cognitive, developmental, personality, physiological/biological/experimental, social, quantitative, applied, clinical, educational and school, industrial/organizational, health psychology/behavioral medicine. Variable: some ways of collecting data, direct observation, questionnaire, interviews, archival data (data from the past), and physiological readings (bio data) Of descriptive/correlational research: broadens scope of phenomena able to study, investigators cannot control events to isolate cause/effect, cannot show that correlated variables are causally related. Rationalism and observation can be faulty when used alone.