PSYC 101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Metacognition, Drive Theory, Unconscious Mind

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Exam 2 will be on material from the fredrickson reading on sakai; the hammack reading on sakai, textbook chapters 5, 6, 7, and 9; and all of the lectures since exam 1. Answering the questions below in a thorough and thoughtful way will help you to think through a lot of that material and check your understanding of it: review the lecture outline for sleep and dreams. Stages of sleep, sleep cycle, cognitive benefits, dream theories: sleep, describe the sleep stages. Stage 1 sleep: light still alert; brief transitional stage of light sleep that usually lasts 10-12 minutes; your breathing and heart rate slow as your muscle tension and body temperature decline. Stage 2 sleep: deeper but still light, middle sleep. Stage 3 sleep: deep sleep, slowed down rates. Stage 4 sleep: deeper sleep, very slow rates. Rem sleep: dreaming, deep sleep but active brain: describe the sleep cycle.