[POLI 100] - Midterm Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (12 pages long)

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Puzzle: how do members of congress balance pleasing their constituents with making laws for the entire nation. Need to understand how they attain office. Both chosen directly by constituents: principal/agent relationship. Trustees vs delegates: how to balance, what is best for districts, what is best for the country. Congressional elections foster collective dilemmas in congress: encourage members to maintain reputation among voters, can discourage collective good. The total number of districts has been fixed at 435 since 1911. States redraw districting lines every ten years if they don"t lose/gain seats. Restrictions: wesberry vs sanders (1964, thornberry vs gingles (1986) Districts are frequently drawn in strange shapes to gain political advantage. Gop 234 seats vs 201 for democrats. Total popular vote: gop ~58. 5 million, democrats ~60. 2. North carolina: gop 9 vs 4 democrats, gop 2. 143 million vs democrats 2. 219 million. Candidates for office used to ne determined directly by political parties.