NURSE-3111 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Menopause, Leukopenia, Hyperplasia

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23 Aug 2016

Document Summary

What are the major obstacles to successful treatment: toxicity to normal cells, cure requires 100% cell kill. Host defenses contribute little to cell kill. When cancer is 100% gone, treatment stop: absence of truly early detection, solid tumors respond poorly, drug resistance, heterogeneity of tumor cells, limited drug access to tumor cells. Common adverse effects of chemotherapeutic agents: bone marrow suppression. Increase in incidence and severity of infection, things that seldom cause much of a problem can become life threatening. Rapid onset, but also quick recovery in most cases. Lowest count 10-14 days recover about a week later. Monitor neutrophil counts normal 2500 to 7000 cells/mm. Only sign of infection will be fever patient education on heightened risk and fever. Can happen, easy bruising, avoid injury be careful with needles/bp cuffs/patient transfers . Usually treated with transfusions; anemia not as common b/c.