SOC 1001- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 54 pages long!)

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Document Summary

How societies can maintain some degree of cohesion. Became central to philosophy and emerging social sciences in last 200 years, with massive social changes. Social life itself destabilized and changed over time. Industrial revolution: major changes in economic life which led to changes in social relations, community, how things operate. Political revolutions: wave of democratic upheaval- liberal views and how social life has to be ordered, conflicting viewpoints, why things are the way they are (french revolution ideals) Demographic change: population boom, social density, new relationships with others, exponential growth on world populations where social life is drastically changing. Sociology by definition: the study of human society and its social structures and dynamics, but not a sufficient definition. A scientific discipline, yet differs from natural sciences due to location, time frame, and environmental factors. A perspective more than a topic, context. Not a topic, but an approach to the world.