PSY 1001H Study Guide - Kurt Lewin, Social Cognition, Fundamental Attribution Error

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Social psychology (lectures, discussion section & chapter 16) What is defensive attribution: describe the difference between automatic processing and controlled processing, how do accuracy and self-enhancement motivate us, describe the differences in attribution associated with cultures that value individualism and collectivism. Social influence: describe direct influences on behavior through persuasion and attitude change, describe direct influences on behavior through compliancee and behavior change. What are the foot-in-the-door technique, the door-in-the-face technique, Lowballing. : describe obedience to authority, describe indirect influences on behavior. What are the findings of: describe the phenomena of deindividuation, describe the phenomena of social loafing. The nature and extend of prejudice: describe the three components of an attitude, such as prejudice. Person perception disadvantage of stereotyping. and the spotlight effect. associated with ingroups and outgroups. Close relationships, liking and loving: explain how aspects of physical appearance sway impressions of others, explain social schemas and define stereotypes.